Friday, March 11, 2016

Tales from this past week...

Oh what a week this was!

My anxiety has been terrible this week.

  • Make my boyfriend leave work to go with me to my appointments... Check.
  • Cancel my therapy appointment because I was too nervous to leave the house... Check.
  • Put off all the phone calls for appointments I need to make because I was to chicken to talk on the phone... Check.
In my anxiety spell I tried to get more online work and house cleaning work done. That worked kinda well, except I'm 23 weeks pregnant and feel like an overfilled beach ball. Baby B, who's name will be Brieah, has decided to pop out this week, causing me to be grumpy and sore. Oh how I love being pregnant... NOT.

The worst night would have had to been Thursday night. I laid in bed, way past my bedtime, and my mind was going nuts.

"Why me?"
"I miss my baby so much, I'm a terrible mother for ripping his life apart like this." (Isaac spent the night at his dads house, my separation anxiety was in full heartbreak mode.)
"How am I going to get through these months of being pregnant? I'm already miserable."
"Holy shit, I'm going to have a baby in a few months." (It sinks in hard sometimes.)
"Why can't I stop thinking and just get over all of this stupidness?"

Basically my mind was being psycho, and its a never ending battle against myself.

This week Isaac was quite the little monster, haha. He is so hyper, and keeps me on my toes. He now knows how to get into the fridge and help himself to anything and everything, and has been super lovey lately. He gives me tons of hugs and kisses all on his own... and I'm loving every bit of it! I soak it all in... before I know it he will be a teenager who's embarrassed by me. Oh man... I don't even want to think about that....

My Mister J has been so helpful with my crazy freak outs. He talks to me all day from work to keep an eye on me. He understands, listens when I'm upset, holds me when I cry, and puts up with my pregnancy mood swings. He's a catch for sure. I sometimes am lost with all of this... Never in my life had I had someone who cares this much. My last relationship damaged me... instead of help, I received judgment, and anger. The worst thing you want to hear when you're depressed is how selfish and weak you are. I have a heard time letting go when I'm upset, just because I'm so used to being let down. Thank you my darling J. I appreciate it more than I could ever show.

In work related news...
No giveaways/prizes have been won by me this week... which is a bummer. I have been increasing my giveaway game though.. so hopefully some wins will come my way.
I did receive a box full of NeilMed products from Mom's Meet. Need a Nasal-Oral Aspirator? I only have about 20 of them that I need to find something to do with, haha.  There's only so many things you can do with these sinus teapots, but hey, thanks Mom's Meet! I love free. :)

Do you have any fun tales from this week? I would love to hear about them!! Tell me below! GO!

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